Wednesday, October 5, 2011

What do I tell my students?

So I’ve been sitting on this little blog for a while now.

I lost some sleep playing with all the fun layout and design toys and marveling at the creative brilliance and amount of free time some people have. 

Did you know there is a whole world filled with people who dream up and design really cool bloggy stuff and then give out said bloggy stuff on the web for free??  

So people like me (who can’t afford Photoshop) can still look respectable. Thank you cool bloggy people.  

But that is as far as I got.

Writer’s block set in.  

The first post. 

What do I say?  It’s the first post.  It has to be great. 

What if it sucks and people come to my blog ONE TIME, see that it sucks, and never come back? 

What if someone comes to my blog, sees that I use words like “suck”, decide that I am a vile scourge on Mormon’s everywhere and never come back?

What if they don’t want to let their blogs come over to play at my blog because I am a bad influence? 

Or worse … have typos?? 

And that still leaves the biggest question... what font am I gonna use?

You see my dilemma. 

You also see why Ryan’s runnin’ for sainthood.  Sometimes I say this stuff
  out loud

So the blog has sat bare but for a couple pics of the kiddos.  Then I realized… getting someone to write, someone who doesn’t want to / is scared / lazy etc.

um, well, was kinda my job

I’ve coerced 15 year old guys into writing poetry.  I should at least be able to make myself write something.  

“Just start writing.  Get something down.  Write, ‘I don’t know what to write about’ till something else comes out.  Start your pencil moving (or fingers typing).  The key to writing is writing.”

So look! “I’m sailing! I’m sailing! I’m a sailor! I sail!” 

 Oh, wait, no, look… I’m writing! I’m a writer. I write. 

Besides, who’s gonna read this beyond Daddy and Margo? 

They don’t mind if I say suck…trust me.  They’ve heard worse. They just want pictures of their grandkids looking like they’re giving Ryan and I a run for our money.

Which they do. Daily.

And then, about a New York Minute later, they’ll do something else and Ryan and I will look at each other and think, “Holy s*%t. How did we ever get to be parents to such amazing, extraordinary, Christ-like, freakin’ brilliant kids?” 

Well, I mean, I think that.  I’m pretty sure Ryan doesn’t think in swear words.

So here’s our first post.

Thanks for stopping by.  Come back again for more momma wisdom sprinkled with profanity, obscure movie quotes, and references to Christ.

What do you need to write down today? 

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Look ma! I think I'm posting a comment here on the ol' blog. I would LOVE to see your poetry. I have it on my bucket list.
